Prasos OY

Prasos OY

Prasos is a Finnish bitcoin and blockchain technology concentrated startup founded in 2012. The company is one of the leading cryptocurrency service providers in the Nordic countries and offers a great variety of bitcoin related services under the brand names, Coinmotion, Denarium, Bittimaatti and Prasos also offers consultancy services for companies and organizations in different applications of the distributed ledger technology and counts with a team of experts in the field. is the first Bitcoin portal in Finland. Through the platform, the company provides informational services, a forum for the bitcoin user community, bitcoin broker service, invoice payment service and bitcoin merchant service among others. Coinmotion is an international bitcoin investment service oriented for cryptocurrency investors. Coinmotion offers a fast, highly secure and complete investment platform that allows the traders to operate in real time. The users can make the purchase and sales orders at market price, establish limited purchase and sales orders and use the stop-loss orders. Denarium designs physical bitcoins and the products are distributed all over the world.The coins act as cold wallets and are used to storage the bitcoins in a highly secure way. These products are collectors items and gift items and can be purchased empty or loaded with bitcoin value. Bittimaatti network is among the largest Bitcoin ATM networks in the Nordics and currently has 8 locations in 5 different cities. is an up & coming web store focused on Bitcoin security products.

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Prasos OY Internet Popularity Percentile Rank: #64.85

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Prasos OY Internet Popularity Percentage: 87

This rank displays where Prasos OY ranks in our public interest database against all other MLM companies and home based businesses in our current profile. Prasos OY position in our index ranks them at 87 home businesses actively tracked in our database.

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