Anycoin Direct

Anycoin Direct

AnyCoin Direct is an online bitcoin exchange where you can buy and sell bitcoins, including other cryptocurrencies. Exchange customers can buy bitcoins using several payment methods, such as: SEPA, Giropay, MyBank, iDEAL, Sofort, Bancontact / Mister Cash. Anycoin Direct accepts deposits and does payouts using the Euro (EUR). There is an exchange fee per transaction which is 0.5%. Anycoin Direct does require customers to validate their banking information prior to buying or selling bitcoins. There is no two factor authorization option for user logins. Other features include tying your Facebook and Twitter profiles to your account for easy login. Anycoin Direct is formerly known as Bitplaats.

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Anycoin Direct Internet Popularity Percentile Rank: #49.85

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Anycoin Direct Internet Popularity Percentage: 88

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