New Crypto Space, DID system purely on chain, fairlaunch of domain names, and the token price rose more than 20 times in the airdrop round1. Now airdrop2 and domain name registration have been launched, and are entering a positive rise period. Now, as long as one of the following conditions is met, you can have the priority of N2 stage: claim airdrop + nearly free registration of the best domain names, and invite N friends to earn N times of airdrop (the invitees need to complete domain name registration). The price of a 3-digit domain name with 600k adresses is more than 20k dollars, the transaction price of a four-digit domain name with only several thousand adresses is 2k USD on December 12th. .new suffix domain name with 1.2k adresses now will soon exceed 5000 addresses. - Interacted more than 20 times + purchased once on uniswap/pancakeswap before 1st March 2022 on BSC/ETH/Arbitrum.

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NEW CRYPTO SPACE Internet Popularity Percentile Rank: #98

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NEW CRYPTO SPACE Internet Popularity Percentage: 33

This rank displays where NEW CRYPTO SPACE ranks in our public interest database against all other MLM companies and home based businesses in our current profile. NEW CRYPTO SPACE position in our index ranks them at 33 home businesses actively tracked in our database.

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