

Unification creates rapidly deployable blockchain tools with built-in cost and speed predictability that bring security & efficiency to your business operations. xFUND supply starts at 0. Its purpose is to enable off-chain governance for the entire Unification ecosystem and power a suite of products, including Oracle of Oracles. xFUND may be acquired on the open market or captured as emissions by Validators staking Mainnet FUND. Each day, the xFUND Oracle queries FUND MainNet for the current active validator set, along with their current FUND stakes. Each validator stake is then calculated as a percentage of the total network stake, which is used by the emission algorithm to calculate the probability an xFUND will be allocated to the validator. The emission algorithm runs 24 times, each time emitting 1 xFUND and allocating it to a validator based on the probability. READ MORE:- https://unification.com/xfund/


published on:August 13, 2021

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